Thursday, March 3, 2016

Individual Homework - Session 4 (Topic Mining)


Hi again. Your next individual homework (yup, another survey) is coming up.

Remember this is *individual* homework, no consulting your peers is allowed for this one.

I hope you have replicated the classwork Nokia example in topic-mining at home. It would allow you some idea about what is coming. At the least, carefully go over the relevant slides from session 4.

This is what I wrote in the opening statement of your survey:

Recall the Nokia Lumia example from class? We topic-mined consumer reviews of Nokia Lumia 925 and identified two latent topics underlying the text. We labeled the topics and interpreted what they likely meant.

We used the word-clouds and co-occurrence graphs as visual aids for topic identification. Recall that font-size in a word-cloud is proportional to word frequency in the text. In a co-occurrence graph, words that likely occur together within a document are connected in a network of the words. Aside from that, we also used the top few documents loading onto each topic to help in topic interpretation.

The following survey task asks you to repeat the Nokia type exercise on a new mobile brand - Samsung Galaxy.

Below, you will be presented with the topic-mining results for Samsung Galaxy reviews (collected around the same time as Nokia's). Two topics were found to be optimal. You'll be shown word-clouds and co-occurrence graphs for each of the topics. Further, you'll also be shown the top 5 of the documents that loaded on each topic (as a separate file on linkstreet).

Your task is (i) to interpret these topics using the output, (ii) to meaningfully label these two topics with a short, informative name and (iii) provide a brief description of your interpretation.

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer, just your carefully considered responses.

This is the link to your survey.

I have putup on linkstreet a text document that carries the top 5 reviews loading onto Topics 1 and 2 respectively.

Deadline: 12-March (Saturday) midnight. Pls remember: Timely and complete submission carries course credit.

Any queries etc, let me or Aashish know.


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