Thursday, November 13, 2014

Interesting links from different facets of the DC course

Hi class,

Wide range of topics we'd seen in the DC course. Some of you asked for more sources and reading material. Pls find the same below (in no particular order) and totally optional only:

1. Recall the google glass example we'd seen in class? Well, here's a Gigaom article on the Future of the wearables market.

2. Recall the first example in the network analytics class on world international call patterns? Well, here's the associated Atlantic article on a World mapped by phone calls. It nicely illustrates how much visualization of networks can tell us.

3. More from the Atlantic on how its now technologically feasible to arrive at one's Identity. Big Data Can Guess Who You Are Based on Your Zip Code

4. Recall the habit patterns class we'd covered? Here's an article from HBR blogs on How Customers Get Hooked on Products.

5. There's an undercurrent somewhere in the program that spells the words "data science". This link here offers a rounded perspective on what precisely is data science. This follow-on link here describes 8 concrete steps you must take to become a data scientist. Yes, R features there. Apt read for all CBA students, IMO.


These links below are more technical in nature. And are even more optional reading than the ones above. I'd suggest revisiting the below links after a couple of more terms are done in the program.

6. This will be kinda boring to many perhaps. But here's an Academic journal paper on Behavior prediction using social networks

7. And here is an excellent set of slides for computing basic metrics in network data from BTW, you should consider subscribing to their newsletter, if you are into R.

8. More R here. An excellent intro to general R and then some network basics along with code and examples workshop style.

That's it for now. Will update as more comes in.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Loved all the articles,very insightful. Thanks for sharing :)

    Academic journal on behaviour prediction is available for 30$. And the R codes for network analysis seem very complicated to even understand the flow.

    1. Hi Disha.

      Disregard the academic article. The other R code links I';d suggest you try revisiting after a couple of terms in the program.

