Thursday, November 13, 2014

Session 2 Group Homework for CBA Batch 3

Hi all,

This homework covers sessions 1,2 and 3, i.e. problem formulation, construct assessment through qualitative research, and questionnaire design for primary data collection.

Group HW:

Consider the following Business problem.

A firm is planning to build a smartphone app that offers location-based services.

The app will collect details about deals, discounts etc from stores on one side and lets inform subscribers about these deals when they are within one cell tower range (roughly a km) of the business establishments where these deals are being offered.

The firm is targeting people below age 35 in the middle and upper-middle class in metropolitan India. The firm however wants to know what about the target segment's app usage habits in general. What types of apps do people use? Why? How many have used apps to transact business online (e.g., pay for orders placed) etc?

Your tasks will be to (1). conduct some exploratory/ qualitative research to find out what constructs underlie people's app based propensities and behaviors. Think of running a small focus group, or conducting a few in-depth interviews with knowledgeable people. (2). Formulate the problem in terms of a D.P. and a few R.O.s that correspond to it. (3). Design a questionnaire centered around measuring the constructs of interest you have identified. Read parts 1,2 and 3 in the HW below.

HW Part 1: Problem Formulation

  • Q.1.1. Write a decision problem (D.P.) to describe the business problem of interest.
  • Q.1.2. Write a few research objectives (R.O.s) to address this D.P. (pls use format specified for R.O. in class slides).

HW Part 2: Construct Analysis

  • Q.2.1. Conduct some exploratory/ qualitative research to find out what constructs underlie people's app based propensities and behaviors. FOr example, you could run a small focus group discussion, or conduct a few in-depth interviews with knowledgeable people.
  • Q.2.2. List a few major constructs you find from your data collected in Q.2.1. that are of business interest.
  • Q.2.3. Pick any one construct you have listed in Q.2.2. and break it down into a few aspects. Ask yourself what motives, means and opportunities drive the behavior associated with construct.
  • Q.2.4. Make a table with 2 columns. In the first column, write the names of the aspects you came up with. In the second column, corresponding to each aspect, write a Likert statement that you might use in a Survey Questionnaire to measure that aspect.

HW Part 3: Web-Survey Programming

  • Q.3.1. Build a web survey using any free online websurvey tool of your choice. E.g., or offer free websurvey services.
  • Alternately, you can try Qualtrics, the ISB subscribed survey software. Instructions for how to setup a qualtrics account using your ISB email have been uploaded on LMS
  • Ensure your questionnaire is "complete" i.e. has an introduction, a section for the psychographic Likerts, a demographic section, and some gateway questions and SKIP logic.

Session 2 HW submission format:

  • Use a plain white blank PPT.
  • On the title slide, write your group name and the names + ISB students IDs of all group members.
  • Give your homework an informative title.
  • For slide headers, use format "HW Part 1: [Slide content description]" and so on.
  • Pls mention clearly the Question numbers you are solving in the slide body. Use fresh slides for each new article
  • Use a blank slide to separate HW Part 2 from HW Part 1.
  • Provide a working link for your websurvey on a fresh slide titled "HW part 3".
  • It is advisable to run a pre-test. Perhaps take the survey a few times to ensure clarity, readability, working SKIP logic etc is in place.
  • Save the slide deck as session2HW_yourgropup.ppt and put in in the dropbox on LMS before the deadline.

HW submission deadline: midnight of 10-December-2015. That's it from me. Any Qs etc., let Atreyee or me know. Feel free to use the comments section to this post for any Q&A or discussions.



  1. Hi Sir,
    The deadline for the submission of this assignment is stated as 10 dec 2015!

    1. Uh-oh. Sorry, will ask Atreyee to correct that. Its 2014, rest assured.


  2. Hi Sir,
    What are the two articles that we have to refer to for Q2.2
    Is it ‘The 'Moneyball' approach to hiring CEOs’ and "The future of jobs" referenced in

    1. Hi Geetika, my mistake, it got mixed up. There are no articles I have provided this time. Pls use 2 constructs that emerge from the qualitative research/ discussion you engage in in the first step.


  3. Sir,
    Need a clarification,with respect to this "How many have used apps to transact business online (e.g., pay for orders placed) etc?"The app is trying to connect brick and mortar stores to potential customers in their area. I think the survey needs to find out who are people who QUERY online- say I sit in my car and start querying/googling about handbags or other accessories , so I'll be a potential customer, or say I generally QUERY a lot about table tennis balls, so I am a potential customer for a sports goods store in the area that I am in, they msg me a discount coupon and there is a fair chance that I'll pick it up. Suppose, habitually I order online, then I will just order online.How will knowing online spending habits help here? wouldn't knowing tastes and preferences (through googling etc) be more helpful here? Please correct me if I',m wrong, I think,I'm missing something here.

    1. Hi Geetika,

      That's a fair point. My guess is the app allows one to query for deals and discounts on particular product categories in a neighborhood.

      So make (and clearly state) any reasonable assumption and proceed on its basis.


  4. Ok, Sir. Interviews with the focus group also helped clarify the above assumption.

  5. Hello Sudhir,

    Just wanted to clarify whether for Q3.1 we need to use only 1 construct or can use multiple constructs to build our survey around?


  6. Hi Alka,

    2 constructs, not more that that. That'll allow for both some variety as well as good depth of conceptualization and analysis.

