Saturday, September 26, 2015

Homework Assignment 1 (Individual homework)

Hi Class,

A series of homeworks are coming your way. The first is described below. I will putup details for the others shortly.

Pls watch this ~ 20 minute video carefully. It features Scott McDonald of Condé Nast holding fort on where Marketing Research is headed in the next decade.

“Social Technological and Economic forces affecting Marketing Research over the next decade”

Now, for your HW, pls answer a few simple Qs (True-False, fill in the blanks variety) about the above talk in the following survey:

Questions based on the video

HW Notes:

(i) This is an individual-only HW. Since it involves no R, consulting peers is not permitted.

(ii) I found that using earphones works great in making out what the speaker is saying much more clearly than ordinary speakers. FYI.

(iii) Deadline: The HW should be completed and submitted latest by midnight 04-October Sunday.

Any Qs etc, pls feel free to email me or use the comments section below.

Sudhir Voleti


  1. Thanks a lot Sir . The Video was very informative especially the analogies made were really insightful.

  2. Excellent talk Sir. The speaker smoothly creates a relevant role for himself in the future, as a via media between the 'Business' and the 'Hackers'...

    Two points seemed to be contradicting each other..In the earlier part he talk about 'understanding behavior' and later talks about the 'Why' not being relevant. Is it possible to understand behavior without knowing 'Why' a choice was made ? Can a customer be modeled without understanding Why ?

    Is there any theory behind the name and role number being filled at the end ? Does temporary anonymity improve student response ?

    1. Re 'Why''s relevance, differing perspectives, I guess. In qualitative and exploratory studies, why remains critical, for instance.

      The HW is graded, so I need to know who all completed on time, hence the need for name roll no. etc.

