Friday, February 19, 2016

Classwork Uploads

Hi Class,

I expect that all of you have by now (i) formed your groups and (ii) installed all necessary analysis software (Rstudio and Python).

Aashish will upload all classwork related files - slides + code + data - in the next 2 days. Below are some tips for what to do re code and data

About Code:

  • Code files will be primarily be script files (.R for R and .py for Python) but in some cases, markdown files will also be available.
  • Open .R files directly via Rstudio and .py files via Spyder or Jupyter.
  • Markdown files will appear as .Rmd files in R (for Rmarkdown) which open in Rstudio and as web pages for python.
  • If unfamiliar with R (or python), pls read & execute each line of code + documented comments individually.
  • Issues etc, first ask Google or your peers before reaching out to Aashish.

About Data:

  • Data files are usually available as .txt in LMS.
  • In a few cases, you'll have to signup for an API key and then scrape the dataset yourself. Follow instructions diligently in such cases.
  • Issues etc, first ask Google or your peers before reaching out to Aashish.

Pls ensure you are very comfortable with replicating classwork examples over the next week-10 days odd. The homeworks + deadlines will start coming in after that.

Recall that your assignment submissions will be in markdown format and the core insights therein should ideally should be wrapped in a narrative / storyline.

Here's a link to how markdown works. Its a very simple 1 page get-started guide in case you're 100% new to Markdowns.

And this page here, from the same author is about a few useful writing tools for how to craft a narrative into your markdowns. Again, use your judgment and don't follow the articles to the letter.

Recall the blog page of Astronomer Julia Silge I'd shown in class? This is the link to her page. Its a nice intro to how to craft simple narratives around regular R code and workflows. Would be great if you can reproduce her workflow on your twitter feed, for instance...

OK. That's it for now. Feel free to use the comments section in case of anything.

Ciao and Cheers.


1 comment:

  1. Python is the famous software which is used for the hacking purpose. Lots of the students are working in this field and this software is very lengthy but essay on time reviews provides authentic info. The programming language of this software is a highest level programming language. It is the good quality article.
