Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Additional (Optional) Readings


Here is a set of readings from sessions 4 and 5 that may be of interest. I do realize I got delayed in putting them out and some of you had followed up with me regarding this.

Recall the Xerox-evolv caselet we did in class - The one where psychographic Likerts were combined with straightforward machine learning? We then discussed implications, pros and cons etc, and speculated on when such practices may spread worldwide and into India. Well, speaking of India...

Startups, and India Inc use psychometric tests to peek into potential recruits’ minds

This is the session 5 reading from NYT on 'Data janitor' work: For Big-Data Scientists, ‘Janitor Work’ Is Key Hurdle to Insights

This is the source for the session 5 table on Data munging functions in R from computer world: Great R packages for data import, wrangling & visualization

This is the Dell Ideastorm website we talked about in 'DC from crowds' ...

...and this is the landing page for the P&G connect + develop FMCG idea-sourcing endeavor.

This is the NYT article on 'the data driven life' about the quantified self movement.

From session 3, this is the API directory from Programmable web. Recommended that as CBA folks, you register with the site and get periodic updates (if youhaven't already). These are all optional reads, so read at leisure.

One last set of homeworks for session 5 are on their way. Another survey to fill and some Google Maps data to pull and play with. Trust that's doable. Well, shall close here.



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