Thursday, October 1, 2015

Session 3 Homeworks - Individual and Group

Hi Class,

Recall that in Session 3 we covered two distinct topics - 'DC from Qualitative research' and 'DC from APIs'. Corresponding to these two session 3 topics, are the following two homeworks - one individual (to be done and submitted independently) and one group (one submission per group).

Individual homework: Qualitative DC

This individual homework is about primary DC on Word-of-mouth (henceforth, WOM) communications.

Read carefully the following 5 steps for your homework.


1. For one full weekday, make a quick note of every instance of offline WOM communication about *any* brand (product or service) that you come across.

Thus for instance, if you happened to mention to your friend that you liked "Bahubali" (movie), then make a note of it.

If your colleague happens to mention to you that s/he was at Continental Hospital for a checkup, make a note of that too.

Or it could be that you were the third party at a conversation between two people arguing over whether 'The Times of India' is better of 'The Hindu'. Make a note of that too.

2. Mind you, this is just for 24 hours, when, in the course of your regular day, you make a mental note of what all products, brands, services etc that you came across via interpersonal WOM (offline only) and then record them in a notepad or an excel sheet or some such place.

Important: Do NOT deliberately indulge in WOM for the homework. Only record that WOM which happens naturally, in the course of your everyday routines.

3. I want you to record 3 things:

(a) Name of the product/brand etc and which category/ industry it belongs to.
(b) Who was the source of the WOM (was it you? a colleague? family member? etc.) and who was the recipient?
(c) what was the time of the day (roughly) when the WOM exchange took place.

Model the worksheet columns as shown in the example below:

4. Repeat steps 1-3 for any 24 hour period during a weekend or holiday.

5. Finally, write your primary data collected into an excel sheet with 5 columns: brand/product, industry or category, WOM source, WOM recipient and Date-time.

Name the excel sheet as "YourName_ISB student number.xls" and upload it to the requisite dropbox in LMS.

Deadline for this individual homework is 15 days from now - i.e. 16 October 2015, Friday, midnight.

Any queries etc pls let me or Suresh know.


Group Homework: DC from APIs

One submission per group. Use any tools/platform you prefer, not necessarily R.


1. Replicate at home the classwork exercises on API based DC, including viewing the related video instructions on LMS)

2. Google for free traffic APIs available. A few I found, for instance, were:

Microsoft Bing

Yahoo's traffic API

HERE traffic API

3. Read the relevant documentation. Connect to the API. This is a HCC Level 1 assignment - meaning, one can consult peers and other groups for help as required.

4. There are typically two types of information given out in Traffic APIs - incident data (accidents, crashes etc) and flow data. Your task is to obtain either of the two for any major US city.

5. Display the output as a table (or dataframe or matrix object) with well-defined columns and a few rows for illustration.

6. Submit a PPT with your group members names in the title slide, your chosen API's details in the next slide, code used to pull data from the API in the third slide (at least the URL constructed) and a snapshot of the output on the fourth slide.

Submission Deadline is 15 days from now: midnight of 16-Oct Friday.

Any queries etc pls let me or Aashish know.



  1. Hey Prof,

    In regard to the individual homework for session 3, it would be more interesting if we add one more column "CONTEXT" to the data being collected.

    For ex: if some person is talking about Adidas, the context might be a discount offer, new product etc...which might give more insight when 117 of us get the data.

    Surya Kandukuri
    Sec A, CBA5.

    1. Good point, Surya. Context however becomes open ended and I was looking at a more traditional; descriptive summary over metric data here.

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  4. Hi Prof,

    For the Session 3 Homework - Individual assign, there is some confusion.

    Please can you confirm if we need to do this assign for only one day or 2 days (i.e. weekday & weekend)

    From what I understand, we need to do this activity once for a 24 hour period on any day (i.e. either weekend or weekday).


    1. Both, Rishu.

      One workday AND one holiday. Hope that clarifies.


  5. Hi Prof,
    I was just wondering that if you intend to take this data for research, some of our responses may have been skewed due to large scale sale campaign by online retailers in last few days. So for those of us, who feel that data provided does not represent our typical day, would you want us to resubmit?

    1. Hi Vivek,

      No need to resubmit. You've done two days worth of DC for this, can't really ask for more. Well, let me look at the data and let you know what some ideas for analysis are.


  6. Hi Prof,
    On the lines of Vivek's question, wondering what you will be doing with the data. Understand that 120 x 2 datasets is good amount of data, but this is spread over 15 days (concentrated over last few days am guessing), and geographic location. So will you be doing a 'what is in the news' kinda analysis, or some kind of 'when people talk about this, they also talk about that' kinda cluster analysis?
    Just curious.

    1. 1 possibility is relating WOM type to demography. Other analysis possibiities are also there. let us see.
