Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Session 5 Homeworks


Your last set of two homeworks, corresponding to session 5, is coming up. One is short and simple. The other a tad challenging and more of a capstone. I realize I couldn't offer any homework practice on the crowdsource and location-based DC part but I guess this is quite solid for a 5-session course.

Individual Homework:

Pls fill up these surveys according to your section.

Survey for section A

Survey for section B

These surveys are again based on latent topic interpretation, similar to what you've previously. Shouldn't take too much time.

Deadline is a week from now: Midnight of Thursday, 14-Oct-2015. Do remember that the individual homeworks are graded on timeliness and completeness.


Group Homework:

First, some context. Recall the Google maps example we did for spatially plotting commercial entities of interest in Hyderabad.

There, we were trying to know the distribution of purchasing power over Hyd [or more generally, *any* other] city. How to know – quickly, cheaply, scaleably and reliably?

i. Replicate that classwork example at home. Download code from LMS. Pls view the LMS video on how to create your own account and get data.

ii. Now pick a city as your focal city. Any city except Hyderabad (since it's already done in class).

iii. Pick a sector-Industry. For example Food--> Pizzerias or High End restaurants. Finance --> ATMs, bank branches etc. Consider yourself to be a consultant for a client who wants to enter the focal city in that business.

iv. Profile your client's target segment, who could be either individuals or organizations [e.g., lower, middle or upper SEC; high net worth Individuals; startups, SMEs, service businesses such as in education or healthcare, large MNCs etc]

v. Pick a list of entities from the entity list that Google provides that could serve as proxies for the presence / purchasing power / needs of your target segment. Pick around 2-3 proxies in all. E.g., in the classwork example, we picked banks, malls and hospitals as proxy entities to indicate nearby presence of middle and upper middle class SEC population.

vi. Collect data on these proxy entities in the focal city from the Google Maps API and plot them on Google maps. Interpret what the map is saying.

Your deliverable will be a PPT with these maps' screen caps should be pasted on the slides. Highlight at least 2-3 areas of particular interest for your client using ovals and textboxes. In a separate slide, explain why your chose those areas as interesting for your client.

vii. Bonus points: Run a simple clustering based on a distance matrix for the entities chosen. Display the clusters in a separate map.



PPT form as per the instructions below.

a. Title slide: City and your Client's Business. Also, names and roll numbers of group members. Name the ppt as group_name.pptx [Pick a group name if you haven't already]

b. Problem Formulation slide: State in brief your client's business problem, using, say 1 D.P and 1-2 R.Os

c. Description slide(s): State why you picked your focal city in 1-2 lines. Describe why you picked your client's business in 1-2 lines. Bonus points for slightly out-of-the-way (or non-mainstream) instances.

d. Proxy List: List the proxy entities you are going to search for. Justify your list in 1-2 lines for each entity type you have chosen.

e. Result slides: Paste google map screen cap with proxy entities on it. Highlight using ovals and arros which areas of interest you have chosen. Choose 2-3 promising areas.

f. Interpretation slide: Justify your choice for the areas picked in a few lines.

g. Bonus points if you could build a distance matrix, cluster the proxy entities and display the clustered entities on a slide. [Check the classwork for this, I did something similar there].

h. Bonus points if you submit your code which we can test and run using our AppIDs here. Submit R code as

i. Submit the ppt in the dropbox before deadline.

Deadline is midnight of Sunday, 1-Nov-2015.

Any queries etc, contact or me. USe the comments sections for general FAQs.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Prof. Sudhir,

    Is it ok to artificially create a business problem for the assignment or do we need to have a real business problem.

