Monday, March 9, 2015

Individual Homework - D.C. on Word of Mouth

Hi Class,

This is individual homework, to be done by each of you independently.It is about primary data collection on Word-of-mouth (henceforth, WOM) communications

Read carefully the following 5 steps for your homework.


1. For one full weekday, make a quick note of every instance of offline WOM communication about *any* brand (product or service) that you come across.

Thus for instance, if you happened to mention to your friend that you liked "The theory of everything" (movie), then make a note of it.

If your colleague happens to mention to you that s/he was at Continental Hospital for a checkup, make a note of that too.

Or it could be that you were the third party at a conversation between two people arguing over whether 'The Times of India' is better of 'The Hindu'. Make a note of that too.

2. Mind you, this is just for 24 hours, when, in the course of your regular day, you make a mental note of what all products, brands, services etc that you came across via interpersonal WOM (offline only) and then record them in a notepad or an excel sheet or some such place.

Important: Do NOT deliberately indulge in WOM for the homework. Only record that WOM which happens naturally, in the course of your everyday routines.

3. I want you to record 3 things:

  • (a) Name of the product/brand etc and which category/ industry it belongs to.

  • (b) Who was the source of the WOM (was it you? a colleague? family member? etc.) and who was the recipient?

  • (c) what was the time of the day (roughly) when the WOM exchange took place.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 for any 24 hour period during a weekend or holiday.

5. Finally, write your primary data collected into an excel sheet with 5 columns: brand/product, industry or category, WOM source, WOM recipient and Date-time.

Name the excel sheet as "YourName_ISB student number.xls" and upload it to the requisite dropbox in LMS.

Deadline for this individual homework is 10 days from now - i.e. 18 March 2015 midnight.

Any queries etc pls let me or Atreyee know.


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