Tuesday, March 3, 2015

R code and Data files on LMS (Sessions 4 and 5)

Hi all,

Sorry about the delay in updating the blog and the LMS with the R code and data from sessions 4 and 5.

Pls find folders on LMS containing R code, data and instructions.

As CBA students, my expectation is that you will:

(i) diligently follow the instructions given,

(ii) read and understand the R code line-by-line before running it,

(iii) run the code and replicate the classwork examples,

(iv) discuss any issues etc that arise here on this blog by using the comments section,

(v) solve the next group homework by tweaking and customizing the R code as required, and

(vi) provide constructive feedback where possible.


1. Unzip contents of the zip folder

2. Open Rstudio. File menu --> Open File --> textanalysis R code.R

3. the textanalysis R code.R file will open as an additional window (on the top left) in Rstudio)

4. To run any lines, select them and click the Run icon on the top right of the window. Ensure internet is connected.

5. Read the lines before running as some require input from your side (which files to read in etc)

6. The zip folder contents are self-contained and hopefully should run smoothly. However, if you encounter issues, pls let us know.

7. Pls email aashish_pandey@isb.edu with a copy to Atryee in case of any R related issues. Your group homework for this session will be up soon, in a few days. Pls ensure you are comfortable with this code before the homework arrives.




  1. Hi Team,
    I am facing the following error while trying to run the script textanalysis R code.R
    Please advice.

    Error in require("qdap") || install.packages("qdap") :
    invalid 'y' type in 'x || y'
    In addition: Warning message:
    In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, :
    there is no package called ‘qdap’

  2. Hi Pavan,

    just use: install.packages("qdap"); library(qdap)
    and proceed.

    Ensure you have latest java version installed on your machine.


  3. hello,

    I got the lastest verison of Java as well as RStudio but I still have same error.

    I have reinstalled both(R and Java) of them set Java Home but the problem still persists.

    Please help!

    1. Manish,

      Pls be more specific in what the issue is. Also, you're commenting on an old link (March 2015) meant for batch 4 which has already graduated.

