Thursday, March 26, 2015

Re the DC FInal Exam


The Data Collection Final exam is on 28th March 2-4 p.m in the after noon. I'm almost done making the paper. Here's what you can expect.

1. The exam will be conducted via a qualtrics web survey. The survey will be launched and weblink sent to you via email at 2 pm on 28th. By 4 pm, you should have completed and 'submitted' the survey/exam. Once the 2 hours time limit is up, the survey will be disabled.

2. No surprise that a lot of the Qs will be of the short answer, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, true-false type. However, do expect a few short written types also (~ 50 - 75 words max).

3. This is an open-book open-notes exam. You are also allowed to use R, Excel or any other software as required. (Yes, I may give you a small dummy dataset for basic summarizing and interpretation. Nothing sophisticated, but very simple stuff and Excel may well be enough.).

4. Pls remember to strictly adhere to the honor code - Strictly no communication with any third person during the exam, no copying or saving of exam questions etc.

5. Pls ensure you have a good net connection, some sort of power backup if required (laptop is ideal for this) and access to all your course material.

6. All restrictions that generally apply to websurveys apply here. You may not be able to go back to a previous question after a page is turned. Once submitted, a submission will be counted as final.

Any Qs etc, let me or Atreyee know.

Good luck!



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