Tuesday, March 3, 2015

More readings and material for DC

Hi Class,

I'd put up a set of additional and optional reading material in an earlier blog post for CBA batch 4.

This is more along the same lines. However, the readings I point to here are not optional in the sense that questions based on these readings may feature in your exam.

Readings relating technology to data collection and data use (from the Economist):

1. The first article titled 'Little Brother' (in an obvious play on George Orwell's famous 'big Brother' theme) details the impact of digital on advertising spends of firms worldwide.

2. The second article, 'Getting to know you', is about the various ways in which data is collected about consumers online.

3. The third article in this series, 'The world wild web', extrapolates some of what we are seeing into the future and asks 'Where are we going?'.

Ideally, I'd like you to read and discuss these articles within your groups. Again, remember, questions based on ideas and facts in these articles are fair game in your final exam for DC. Happy reading.

If you have come across such material which may be of interest to the class, you may email me or put up links to that material in the comments section below.

For instance, Nikhil Maddirala from your batch emailed me with information regarding a useful webscraping tool. Recall the Chrome scraper extension/ plug in tool I showed you in class? Well, it seems there's a way to tweak the tool to scrape multiple pages in one go.

See this link here on Scraping multiple Pages using the Scraper Extension and Refine.



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